New Zealand Blog Posts

New Zealand South Island fun things to do
Here is the New Zealand South Island fun things to do is known for its dramatic mountain scenery, lots of wildlife opportunity, great walks, and home..

New Zealand North island fun things to do

New Zealand Food
Food: The New Zealand food felt a lot like back home in the United States. You had your choice or different types of restaurants from Italian, Mexican, Indian, or Asian food. While in Auckland my wife discovered the cheapest sushi she has ever seen and was great. You...

New Zealand Local Transportation
Local Transportation: Once you arrive in one of the main cities like Auckland or Christchurch their public transportation from the airport can get you anywhere at a reasonable price ($4 USD). The four modes of transportation I saw used were camper vans, rental cars,...

New Zealand Lodging
Lodging: While staying in New Zealand you will be able to find a place to stay practically anywhere you travel. A few options would be Air Bnb, hotels, camper van, Bed and Breakfast, and holiday parks. Lodging varies widely between the different options. On the...

Life in a New Zealand Campervan
Moving from a 1450 sq. ft. (134 sq. meters) house to an 80 sq. ft. New Zealand campervan was quite an adjustment. There is nothing like living in something that small for 16 night’s road tripping around New Zealand. While it is definitely the most efficient way

10 Things to Know in New Zealand
Here are the 10 things to know in New Zealand before packing your bags to go to one of the worlds most beautiful places. Everything from what time to eat, the slow internet, the bland food and the unpredictable weather patterns.

Best transportation options in New Zealand
There are a variety of different ways to get around New Zealand. We chose to compare the camper-van, car rental, and bus options for a 2+week trip for 2 people. Who wants to travel alone? Not me…

Experience New Zealand for Less South Island
New Zealand is known to be a pricy travel destination despite our positive exchange rate. There are a TON of activities that can end up costing you beaucoup bucks in New Zealand. You can also do it smart and rely on the uniqueness

The 7 Wonders of New Zealand
We have all heard of the 7 wonders of the world, but in such a small country New Zealand packs a punch for natural wonders. New Zealand is filled with so much incredible beauty that we had to create our own list of the 7 wonders of New Zealand. Here you will find our favorite locations for their stunning scenic appeal.
New Zealand Itinerary
Come check out where to visit and what to do in Guam while your there. From snorkeling, to trekking and relaxing in the sun whats not to like about Guam.. Read More..
New Zealand- Photo Galleries
Take a look at the beautiful scenery Guam has to offer. The sunsets are magnificent and the turquoise water will take your breathe away. Check out the Gallery…
New Zealand Couples Budget
Come check out how much it would take to have a fun vacation on Guam as a couple. We have included budgets for entertainment, food, lodging and transportation to get a feel of how much the trip will cost a couple. Check it out…
New Zealand Travel Guide
Take a look at the beautiful scenery Guam has to offer. The sunsets are magnificent and the turquoise water will take your breathe away. Check out the Gallery…