Belize Blog Posts


Belize Lodging

Belize Lodging

Belize Lodging Join us on our Social Media: facebook Follow Instagram Follow Lodging: When staying in Belize I would highly recommend staying around these Towns on the basis of safety, variety of food, and things to do: San Pedro, Caye Caulker, San Ignacio, Placencia,...

Belize food

Belize food

Belize food comes in various countries of origin, From the Caribbean to Lebanese the country covers all its basis when it comes to restaurants as the owners open a piece of their home to all their patrons.

Belize Local Transportation

Belize Local Transportation

Here are some of Belize local transportation options. Once you arrive at the Belize City airport you will have two options to get out to the Ambergris caye.

Our Path to Financial Freedom

Our Path to Financial Freedom

Right out of college in July of 2010 I began earning more money than I ever had before with an annual salary of $47,000. While many newly graduated college kids moved downtown or to midtown where it was more fun, lively, and hip we choice to live 15 to 20 minutes out of the hustle and bustle in good ole’ Rancho Cordova. We lived in a 740 square feet one bedroom apartment (~69 sq meters) for a measly $640 dollars a month (including utilities).

ATM Cave Belize-Bucketlist

ATM Cave Belize-Bucketlist

Imagine a journey through the rain forest of Belize, crossing multiple wide streams and swimming up into the narrow month of the cave only to begin a slippery descent into the dark Mayan underworld where over a thousand years ago, on the very place you stand they gathered for ceremonial human sacrifices. If that doesn’t frighten you enough you also get to share the cave with bats, spiders, and ancient scorpion-like amblypygi.

Underwater Shark Attack!

Underwater Shark Attack!

Have you ever played with sharks? How about a chance meeting with a hungry one? Picture this: You are immersed in the deep blue ocean, stepping into a new world filled with vast wildlife and intricate ecosystems. Observing sluggish sharks, playful dolphins, mellow turtles, and flamboyant fish. Floating through their world and seeing how they spend their day. Seeing beautiful deep canyons

Best Dive Spots in Ambergris Caye/ Scuba Pricing

Best Dive Spots in Ambergris Caye/ Scuba Pricing

People come from all around the world to Scuba dive in Belize which is home to the second largest barrier reef in the world, which is a large reason why we chose to come to Belize. This little piece of heaven for scuba divers is home to some of the most beautiful underwater wildlife. Ambergris Caye is the largest and most popular of the offshore cayes, with 25 miles of Belize’s spectacular barrier reef sitting less than a mile offshore.

Fun in the Sun, San Pedro Belize

Fun in the Sun, San Pedro Belize

Below you will find a guide for enjoying your self while on Ambergris Caye San Pedro Belize. This daily activity is based on the days of the week that the specific place is having an event or specials. While living on San Pedro for a while we discovered the best way to enjoy a week and experience what San Pedro has to offer.

The Journey to San Pedro, Belize

The Journey to San Pedro, Belize

We packed our bags and are ready to go, well I actually packed our bags twice, since I forgot to take pictures of what we packed inside the first time. Tears and sobs later after dropping off our dogs Stella and Corona at my mom’s, we were off to the airport. We were on a red eye that was supposed to leave Sacramento for Houston at 12:30 am. We boarded, took some video and were ready to GO!

Sometimes you just need to Get out of town and find a Secret Beach.

Sometimes you just need to Get out of town and find a Secret Beach.

Hanging out at a couple bars and talking with some locals they suggested we go to a place on the other side of the island called Secret Beach. They described it as a totally different vide than the east side of the island (Gulf of Mexico side) that has a huge area to wade in the warm blue water. In comparison to where we are in town it’s a good 1 hour long golf cart ride through some treacherous terrain.

Snorkeling Guam- Gunn Beach

Belize Itinerary

Come check out where to visit and what to do in Guam while your there. From snorkeling, to trekking and relaxing in the sun whats not to like about Guam.. Read More..

Guam Photo Gallery

Belize- Photo Gallery

Take a look at the beautiful scenery Guam has to offer. The sunsets are magnificent and the turquoise water will take your breathe away. Check out the Gallery…

Guam couples budget

Belize Couples Budget

Come check out how much it would take to have a fun vacation on Guam as a couple. We have included budgets for entertainment, food, lodging and transportation to get a feel of how much the trip will cost a couple. Check it out…

Guam Guide

Belize Travel Guide

Take a look at the beautiful scenery Guam has to offer. The sunsets are magnificent and the turquoise water will take your breathe away. Check out the Gallery…

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